The Most Expensive Meal in the World

The Most Expensive Meal in the World

The next time you find yourself sitting in a fast-food outlet chewing down a slab of overcooked beef in a patty, you may want to consider what you're missing out on. There have been many opulent meals prepared over the centuries, but we are going to put together a meal to beat them all featuring some of the most expensive food and drink which has ever been created.

Aperitif: $8,000

Every truly great meal must start with an aperitif, so how about a cocktail to kick things off? Salvatore's Legacy is our tipple of choice for this outrageously expensive meal, boasting a rather hefty price tag of $8,000 per glass. Created by the Salvatore Playboy Bar in London, and apart from being one of the most expensive drinks ever created, it's also one of the oldest. If you fancy trying to source the ingredients for yourself, you will need to get your hands on a bottle of 1778 Clos de Griffier Vieux Cognac, a bottle of Kummel Liqueur from 1770, as well as 1860 Dubb Orange Curacao and 4 dashes of circa 1900s Angostura Bitter

Starter: $34,500

For our starter, what could be more apt than the most expensive caviar dish in the world? The extremely rare Almas caviar comes from the Iranian Beluga fish. Not just any Iranian Beluga fish though, it must be the eggs of a 60+ year old albino sturgeon caught in the (relatively) pollution-non existenance Caspian Sea. This caviar is so exclusive that even the tin it is sold in is made out of 24 carat gold.

Drink: $60,000

A bottle of water couldn't be too expensive, surely? Well, if it's a bottle of Acqua Di Cristallo Tributo a Modigliani then it's going to set you back North of $60,000. This one's a little bit of a cheat though, as this 24-carat gold covered bottle sold for that price at a charity auction.

Main Course: $5,000

Compared to some of the other items on this menu, $5,000 for the main course seems like a bit of a steal! Maybe that's because it's just a burger and fries, although you won't find these on the menu at your local burger joint. The Fleurburger 5,000 was created by Chef Hubert Kelly in Vegas, and the real reason for the exalted price of this Wagyu beef burger is that it's accompanied by a bottle of vintage 1995 Petrus wine.

Dessert: $35,000

If you like chocolate, then you will absolutely die for this fabulous chocolate egg dessert. Created by Chef Marc Guibert in England, the dessert is in the shape of a Faberge egg, and is made from luxurious whiskey flavoured Belgian chocolate, gold, caviar, and just for good measure, a two-carat diamond.

That makes a final bill of $142,500, or $285,000 if it's a meal for two - and don't forget the tip!

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