Pictsweet Co.Recalls Two Frozen Vegetable Blends Due to Listeria Contamination

Grocery chains have initiated recalls of two products of Pictsweet frozen vegetables due to a possible Listeria monocytogenes contamination in the onions, one of the products' ingredients.

Supermarket chain Schnucks first announced the recall of the Pictweet products. The affected products are labeled "Seasoning Blend" and "Steamable Spring Vegetable"; both products feared to be possibly contain contaminated onions reports Food Safety News. The recalled products contain the following specific information:

Pictsweet Steamable Spring Vegetables (10 oz.), best by March 19, 2018

Pictweet Seasoning Blend (12 oz.), best by April 2, 2018

While it was not mentioned where the contaminated onions came from, there are speculations that the supplier could also be Oregon based because Pictsweet is also based in the area. While not actually pointed out as the supplier of the onions, Oregon Potato did not make any announcements regarding the recall, according to Food Poisoning News.

In an update to the recall, Food Safety News reports that retailers who initiated recalls of the contaminated Pictsweet products now include Wegmans, Tops, Food Lion, Stop & Shop, Giant Food and Martin's. However, as of lastest update, Pictsweet did not post any information regarding the recall on the company's website.

This recent recall follows a very recent recall involving refrigerated salads. A day earlier, Reser's Fine Foods also issued a recall on 19 refrigerated salads across 29 states citing possible listeria contamination, also in the onions.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) warns that listeria is a serious infection. It is caused by eating food contaminated with the bacterium Listeria monocytogenes and usually affects newborns, pregnant women, the elderly and anyone with a compromised immune system. Symptoms of listeria infection include diarrhea, fever, muscle aches, stiff neck and headaches. The infection could be fatal to newborns and may cause miscarriage, stillbirth or premature delivery in pregnant women.

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