Potatoes Might Help You Lose Weight, Says Study

Most types of food belonging to the carbohydrate group have a bad reputation nowadays, mainly due to them being displayed as the primary reason why numerous people around the United States are overweight or obese.

One of these foods is the humble potato, a regular staple in restaurants, mostly in the form of French fries and baked potatoes. It also gets a bad reputation due to it being a junk food, depending on how it is being prepared. There are numerous food companies selling differently-flavored potato chips, which have a pretty high sodium and fat content.

However, potatoes are actually one of the world's healthiest foods, considering that they are chock-full of vitamins and minerals. Furthermore, it may also aid you in weight loss, considering that it is quite low in calories (most people believe otherwise) and have almost zero fat.

Potato Weight Loss Study

The Journal of the American College of Nutrition conducted a study in 2014 which found out that if you are limiting your overall calorie intake, potatoes will not hinder your attempts to lose weight. The study compared weight loss (and gain) on people who are observing a reduced-calorie diet, with our without potatoes. After the study, the researchers found out that the potato did not cause any weight gain, contrary to what some may believe.

This is so simply because potatoes offers numerous health benefits to those trying to lose weight. A 100-gram serving of potatoes has two grams of protein and fiber, and a third of your daily vitamin C intake. It is also rich in vitamin B-6, potassium, and magnesium.

However, take note that this means you should cook it in a healthy manner. Baked potatoes or boiled ones are valid, but fried potatoes, potato chips, and other oily and fatty methods won't make it healthy. Eating them plain, along with the skin, is a great and healthy way to enjoy a potato.

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