China's DaDong Duck Burger Launched: Should McDonalds Be Scared?

China's DaDong Duck Burger was released five months ago and it has proven it's something McDonalds should watch out for. In an article by CNN, they asked if McDonalds should watch their back as Dadong duck burger makes its way to the hearts of many.

Peking Duck is a Chinese delicacy prepared and eaten in Beijing since the Imperial Era. It is acceptable to the traditions and the palette of their people. Some other cultures in Asia and around the world also consider duck as a delicacy, just like in Bali, Indonesia. Foie gras, however, is an expensive treat most people enjoy even in the western culture. So it is not so surprising to find a duck burger food joint offering duck food like the DaDong Duck Burger.

The Dadong Duck Burgers are made of roasted Peking Duck patty. That alone makes it different from the burgers we know today. CNN said, "While McDonald's and KFC continue to introduce Chinese-style burgers to appeal to local tastes, high-end Peking duck restaurant DaDong has opened his own fast food joint in Beijing". And it looks like the Dadong Duck Burger will make its way to the Western world in no time. It has already ignited the interest of many, just like how to traditional Peking duck made its own name in the culinary world.

When DaDong duck burger opened last year, it has created a stir and got both McDonalds and Burger King a new rival in the world of burger production.

The servings are also fast-food style. An order usually comes with fries and soft drinks. According to the Beijinger, there's a combo for a Duck Burger and a Coke. There's also a "family combo" which includes two Duck Burgers, two duck legs, a basket of fries, basket of chicken nuggets and mashed potatoes. These combos will surely sell especially to obvious duck delicacy lovers.

Some other features of their combo meals include "a glass of soda -- or hot honey pomelo tea -- and fries, the duck burger combo costs 31 yuan ($4.70)".

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