GMO Food List: Foods to Avoid

Genetically modified foods are a common occurrence on our food shelves at the retailers and on our grocery shopping list. With the lack of legislation on labeling and no effort by the manufacturers to distinguish genetically modified foods from the non genetically modified foods, the health conscious citizens are left at pains in distinguishing which foods are GMOs and which are organic. It is estimated that about 80% of the processed American food is genetically modified. Below is a list of the most common genetically modified foods, to help you stay away from the harmful toxins.

1. Corn

Really, this one is a no brainer. As much as half of all the United States farms growing corn for Monsato are using corn that is genetically modified. The genetically modified corn has been linked to numerous issues, including weight gain and health organ disruption.

2. Soybeans

Agrobacterium is a gene taken from bacteria and added to soy to make them more resistant to herbicides. Found in tofu, soybeans, vegetarian products and soy flour, the soy is highly modified. Monsanto, the bio tech giant controls about 90% of the soy bean market, meaning only about 10% of the soy is naturally organic.

3. Sugar beets

In 2009, genetically modified sugars were introduced into the sugar market. A gene is added to the sugar beets to make them more resistant to Monsanto's Roundup herbicide. In 2012, the FDA approved the sale of GMO sugar beets under the name SUGAR. Currently, if we go buy ice cream, we aren't sure if we are buying GMO sugar.

4. Papayas

Bad news for all fruit lovers. GMO papayas have been grown in Hawaii since 1999. They can not be sold to countries in the European Union because of stringent legislation but they are more than welcome in the U.S and Canada.

5. Dairy

Your dairy products may contain growth hormones. As many as a fifth of the U.S dairy cows are pumped with Monsanto's hazardous rBGH, which has been banned in 27 countries. Organic milk is your only safe bet.

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