Have You Tried Canned Whiskey?

Stillhouse Spirits Co. made a debut in whiskey line with its unique packaging design of stainless steel container. Stillhouse Original Moonshine is 100% packaged in stainless steel can - the first in spirits industry to do such innovation. Moonshine's can has a rigid design that combines contemporary arts in bold colors.

There are 5 infused whiskey flavors: Red Hot, Coconut, Apple Crisp, Mint Chip and Peach Tea along with the Stillhouse Original clear corn whiskey.

Not your typical whiskey in a bottle

The 750 ml can is secured with a screw cap and its angular shape with a color-coded label is an eye-catching feature of this alcohol drink. Given the fact that the can is unbreakable, there won't be bottle drops in outdoor parties or special occasions.

Stillhouse Spirits Co. CEO, Brad Beckerman, admitted developing the can from scratch. The decision to use can is said to be disruptive. The can, according to Beckerman, is the reflection of the company's personality and independent spirit - recalling the days when whiskey was kept in vessels.

Describing the packaging as 're-imagination' product, Beckerman explained further about the packaging decoration - the lacquered can have a strip and front label that are sensitive to pressure. There is a stamp to cover the seal - making sure it is tamper-evident.

According to the PR Newswire, Beckerman said that consumers showed an unprecedented response to the product's launch. Pricing the product at $27.99, Stillhouse is distributed throughout Indiana, Ohio, and California this March. Wider distribution will be available in summer for states of Arizona, Florida, New Jersey, Texas and Pennsylvania.

About Stillhouse Spirits Co.

Stillhouse Spirits Co was established by Brad Beckerman. Producing lines of whiskey category, Stillhouse Spirits Co is one of the leading company in the industry to make innovation with its products. You can view the newest Stillhouse whiskey can design on Instagram.

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