Quick! 7-Eleven Will Allow You To Bring Your Own Cups For Two Days

Slurpee Fans, Rejoice!

According to Food Beast, 7-Eleven will be hosting "Bring Your Own Cup Day" on Saturday, allowing customers to fill their own cups with their favorite frozen Slurpee drink for just $1.49 per cup.

"You bring the cup. We fill it up." Slurpee: Bring Your Own Cup Day's slogan. This first-of-its-kind Slurpee promotion from 7-Eleven will run this weekend, and only for two days. Slurpee-lovers are invited to bring their own cups - or containers that can be used as cups - to their participating neighborhood 7‑Eleven store between 11 a.m. and 7 p.m., and fill it with their favorite Slurpee flavor.

Customers are encouraged to "express themselves" by bringing whatever type of cup suits their fancy - from sand buckets and hard hats to tea kettles and everything in between.

But, of course, there are rules.

NBC San Diego reports that cups must be clean, leak-proof, have a definitive shape and must fit upright through a designated, 10-inch-in-diameter cup cutout displayed in stores.

Once the cup passes that screening, Slurpee-sipping can commence.

This is the first time BYO Cup Day has been held in the United States, although 7‑Eleven stores in Australia, Canada, the Philippines and Malaysia have held BYO Cup Days in the past.

"Slurpee is all about having fun, and what better way to celebrate warmer weather than by filling your favorite cup with your favorite beverage?" said Laura Gordon, 7‑Eleven vice president of marketing and brand innovation. "From sand buckets to trophies, customers can unleash their creativity by bringing in their choice of a unique, fun Slurpee cup."

Slurpee drinks purchased during BYO Cup Day will count as a punch on 7Rewards, the chain's loyalty reward system.

7-Eleven plans to promote "BYOC" Day on social media using the hashtag #BYOCupDay on Twitter and Instagram and through the "REALLYSLURPEE" account on SnapChat.

So don't forget to mark your calendars on March 18th & 19th from 11 AM to 7 PM, and head to 7-Eleven to take advantage of Bring Your Own Cup Day!

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