How to Identify a Fake Beer Bar

Most bars offer beers. But that doesn't make them beer bars, those sanctuaries for discerning brew mates looking to truly nerd out on the best mixes on the planet. The term beer bar has gotten to be bastardized to the point that it's difficult to identify whether you're in for a world-class experience or a celebrated fraternity party. These are the signs that a beer bar is utilizing the name freely and likely pouring conservatively.

It asserts on offering all foreign beers in small glasses

Because a beer is from another nation does not mean it ought to be served in a snifter, tulip or cup of the week. A hefeweizen is of German origin; however you can't envision anybody serving it in anything smaller than a half quart glass. All Belgian beer is not high liquor and does not request a small pour.

It promotes ice-cold beers

You can't properly taste and value a beer colder than 38 degrees, leaving the ideal temperature between there and 55 degrees. Furthermore, before you begin exploring about how cold beer is, change to drinking wine coolers.

The bartender aims to lessen head

All beer should be presented with a delightful and rich head on top. This isn't wine, it's a malt-based carbonated drink and aromatics accomplished as dynamic mixes in the brew float to the surface and are opened as they achieve the bubbles.

All beer is served in plastic cup

This is the kind of bottom of the barrel circumstance regularly just found in dimly lit strip clubs and ordinary dance clubs brimming with douches, yet there are times that you'll be served a brew out of a plastic glass. Return it and request a glass in the event that you are served in a plastic cups. And just leave if they don't give you a glass.

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