Here's What a Man Drank to Reach 107 Years Old

Three liters of homemade red wine per day can actually let you live your own century!

The Telegraph reports that red wine, in moderation, has long been thought of as heart-healthy. The alcohol and certain substances in red wine called antioxidants may help prevent heart disease by increasing levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol (the "good" cholesterol) and protecting against artery damage.

But this time, instead of two glasses per day, Antonio DocampoGarcía, who died last week at the grand old age of 107, attributed his longevity to his drinking habits - four bottles of red wine a day, and no water.

According to Live 2100, it was stated that Mr. Antonio liked to have two bottles of wine with lunch, and another two with dinner, his family told reporters.

"He could drink a litre and a half all at once," said his son Miguel DocampoLópez.

"When we were both at home we could get through 200 litres of wine a month. He never drank water."

Antonio Docampo Garcia fought in the Spanish Civil War and nearly died during that war. Antonio retired from the Army, then became a wine grower and producer. He founded Bodegas Docampo, his wine company, and from retirement until he died he dedicated his life to making fine wine. Antonio would always make sure that he keep a considerable amount of the wine that he produced for his own private consumption and enjoyment, and the majority of the wine was always sold.

MrDocampo's nephew JerónimoDocampo, who now runs the vineyard, told La Voz de Galicia: "He sold the majority of the wine he produced, but still kept a decent amount back for himself."

"If he produced 60,000 litres a year he would keep 3,000 litres for himself. He always said that was his secret to living so long."

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