Can You Really Lose Weight By Following the Teatox?

Few years ago drinking tea has evolved into a diet trend which then resulted in a prolific business venture for many. Many tea detoxes or "teatox" companies offer a diet program consists of drinking their own brand if tea which guarantees weight loss in as fast as 14 days. But does it really work?

According to a health news magazine, "detox teas that combine caffeine with diuretics can trigger the loss of water weight". Fox News released a list of "teatox" to get you started with your weight loss, and they all claim to help you lose weight.

First on the list is SkinnyMint who promises to help you achieve your dream weight without dieting on your food intake. They follow the 2-step natural tea detox program wherein you drink a cup of tea twice in a day, one cup in the morning and one cup at night. This brand is popular worldwide, thanks to Hollywood celebrities like Kylie Jenner, who profess the efficacy of the teatox program. Another tea detox brand is Naked Me Tea, a brand developed by health care professionals. They also follow the 2-point system and claim to use all natural ingredients. And there are a lot more brands out there available in the market.

Will these teatox programs really help you lose those unwanted fats? Research suggests that teas are rich in anti-oxidants which help us cleanse the body internally. According to an article by Shape, Manuel Villacorta, R.D., explained, "Antioxidants work to reduce the oxidative stress and free radicals in our body, too much of which can cause chronic inflammation and even mutate our DNA strains, leading to cancer and other chronic diseases".

Although Villacorta also warned the public that senna might be present in your teatox, a known laxative. That's why those who are serious about their teatox program should also consider consulting with doctors and or nutritionist not just to help them achieve their full weight-loss potential but also to avoid side effects of teatox.

Experts also emphasize that there is nothing wrong with tea detox, however, like all other diet programs out there, tea alone is not enough to achieve the target weight. The food which goes into your body and consistent exercise will determine largely how your body will react to the "teatox" programs and how fast the road is to the celebrity body most people are wanting to achieve.

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