Will A Glass Of Wine At Night Affect Us?

With the awareness created on unhealthy food and food habits, we are always trying to find out what's best for us and what a healthy food habit is. Like many other cuisines and drinks,a glass of wine at night is also something that has been tested many times. Latest research has proved that drinking six glasses of wine a week does not affect us and does not increase the risk of heart diseases or stroke.

In a recent study, Dame Sally Davies spoke about how one should control the intake of wine and other alcoholic drinks. She even suggested women to consider the amount of wine that they take by reminding themselves of the risk of heart problems and cancer.

On the hindside, Harvard researchers found that in taking alcohol being connected to the risk of heart problems is just a matter of 24 hours. After this time period has surpassed, the people who drink a glass or two will have a better flow of blood while they also reduce the risk of clotting.

Dr Elizabeth Mostofsky, of Harvard University stated that drinking alcohol leads to a blood pressure rise and blood platelets become stickier and this leads to an increase in the risk of heart attacks and strokes. Regularly drinking alcohol increases the high-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels which is the so-called good cholesterol and also reduce blood clots.

Hence, the best way to intake alcohol is on moderation. In fact, another study goes about to prove that an ingredient called the 'resveratrol' that is found in red wine can convert fat into calorie-burning 'brown' fat.

With many similar research that talk about the benefits and hazards of drinking alcohol, it's advisable to take alcohol intake moderately. Like every other eatable, too much is bad and too little is not satisfactory. By controlling the levels of alcohol you can make sure to get the perks of it.

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