How Safe is Your Water? Check Out this List of Bottled Water Brands Containing Flouride

How safe is your bottled water? You might find the question a bit odd because well, the water is bottled in the first place so it should be clean and safe, right?

Not necessarily. Of course, there are brands that are true to their claims of providing safe water in a bottle. But then again, there are those other brands whose products may not be as wholesome as advertized.

And the water may not even be that special at all. Even the FDA admitted in its website that some of the bottled water contains water from the municipal tap. Yes, people are basically paying premium for water that they might as well get from the faucet at home. The FDA did say that the water is clean with all the distillation, reverse osmosis, 1 micron filtration or ozonation it had to go through but still, it's a little bit disappointing. All this time, people have been imagining of pristine lakes or springs every time they drink bottled water.

But the water source should be the least of one's concerns regarding bottled water. According to a recent article from Heath Tips Portal, the real concern comes from the fact that some of those high-priced bottled water brands contain fluoride, a substance that has no business in a water supposedly safe for consumption.

Fluoride can cause dental fluorosis and skeletal fluorosis according to a Dr. Mercola article. This explains why 40 percent of American teen suffer from dental fluorosis due to their massive exposure to this dangerous substance, a result of the US government's past policy of mixing fluoride into America's drinking water supply for supposed dental benefits.

Which is why it is appalling to know that some of these bottled water brands still contain fluoride. Even the International Bottled Water Association had to notify the public of these companies and the contaminated brand they sell. Listed below are the list of bottled water companies and their brands as appearing in both IBWA and HealthTipsPortal websites.

Brand Company

Alhambra DS Services

Arrowhead Nestle Waters North America, Inc.

Belmont Springs DS Services

Crystal Rock Crystal Rock, LLC and Vermont Pure Holdings Ltd

Crystal Springs DS Services

Deer Park Nestle Waters North America, Inc.

Diamond Springs Diamond Springs Water Co.

Hinkley Springs DS Services

Ice Mountain Nestle Waters North America, Inc.

Kandiyohi Premium Waters Inc.

Kentwood Springs DS Services

Mayer Bros. Mayer Bros . Apple Products Inc.

Mount Olympus DS Services

Nursery Water DS Services

Ozarka Ozarka Water and Coffee Service

Poland Spring Nestle Waters North America, Inc.

Pure Flo Pure Flo Water Company

Puritan Springs Puritan Springs Water

Shenandoah Shenandoah Corporation

Sierra Springs DS Services

Sparkletts DS Services

Zephyrhills Nestle Waters North America, Inc.

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