What Happens When Babies Get Exposed to Allergenic Food?

Many research and studies have been recently done to understand the process of allergies. Research on infants has always stated that they should be fed breast milk for at least 6 months. However, the recent study has proved otherwise.

Food allergy can be prevented if children are exposed to the food item in their first year itself says recent research. Early exposure to allergic food can make a difference in these children as they grown up.The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases recently proposed new guidelines which stated that children at risk of peanut allergies should be fed peanuts from 4 to around 6 months of age. This should be done after making sure the baby does not have allergies already. This study has understood that an exposure to allergic food at such an early age as 6 months can reduce their chances of becoming allergic to them.

The research was conducted at King's College London on 1,300 infants. The infants were 3 months old and was given only breast milk. Out of the lot, half of these infants were made to continue feeding on breast milk till their 6 months. However, the remaining were given peanut butter and other allergenic foods like eggs and sesame as well to understand their response to this food.

It was proven that these children who were exposed to allergic food like peanut butter had a better response to peanuts and other items when compared to the children who purely stuck to breast milk. However, the researchers have also stated that the result could be by chance as well.

If this research stands true, it's a great way to strengthen infants from allergies starting from an early age.

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