Five Superfoods For Men’s Health

Many men think that surviving on chips, pizza, beer and occasional steak is fine for them. On the contrary, it is important for everyone to consume foods having high nutritional value. The latest Dietary Guidelines for Americans point out that diet of most men is deficit in vitamin A, D, C and E, calcium, potassium, magnesium, choline and dietary fiber!

It is, therefore, recommended that in order to supply your body with more of these nutrients and, at the same time, remain lean, you need to incorporate the following five superfoods into your diet:

Potatoes: Several mean avoid eating potatoes as they believe that they are nothing but carbs. Perhaps, they are not aware that potatoes may also help in getting the six-pack abs. Studies by researchers at the Davis-based University of California showed that people taking a low-calorie diet containing potatoes lost significant weight over 12 weeks. Besides being a wonderful source for potassium, which controls blood pressure, potatoes help to reduce calories, but not nutrient intake.

Broccoli: A study by researchers at Harvard University study found that cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli may protect against bladder cancer, which is widespread in America, affecting two to three times as many men as women. Following examination of diets of about 50,000 men, scientists discovered that men who consumer five or more servings of cruciferous vegetables each week were at 50% less risk of bladder cancer compared to those who ate them rarely, Readers Digest reported.

Dark Chocolate: Heart disease has been found to be responsible for 25 percent deaths in men in the U.S. Hence, it is important to incorporate heart-healthy foods like dark chocolate in their diet. Many dark chocolates contain cocoa flavanols, which promote blood circulation, lower blood pressure and blood clots, thereby preventing heart attacks and strokes.

Watermelon: It has been found that until the age of 55, more men endure hypertension compared to women. Studies have hinted that eating potassium-rich foods can help in reducing the chances of developing high blood pressure and stroke. Even the Food and Drug Administration has allowed food labels to bear a health claim about the relation between blood pressure and potassium-rich foods. As a large slice of watermelon contains more potassium (664 mg) than the amount of the mineral in a banana or a cup of orange juice, men should eat more of this fruit this summer, Web MD recommended.

Turmeric: Used for centuries in Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine, this herb contains a compound called curcumin, which offers numerous health benefits. Modern studies have found this spice to possess anti-inflammatory properties and useful in preventing as well as treating conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, Alzheimer's disease and psoriasis. Hence, don't forget to add a little of this spice to your fish and chicken dishes.

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