Luka Magnotta Update: He Murdered, Dismembered And Is Now On Trial

Luka Magnotta Update - He is a Canadian 32 year-old man who in 2012 committed murder of Jun Lin, videotaped it, made it viral and also sent the body parts of the victim to schools and political parties. Now, he is on trial.

The newest that has been shown in the trial of Luka Magnotta is a CCTV footage from Luka Magnotta's building, where he arrived together with Jun Lin on May 24th, 2012 and it showed them entering the building. Some hours later, Luka Magnotta comes out of the building, wearing the t-shirt that Jun Lin had before and even some hours more, it shows him leaving repeatedly with plastic bags and the cap that Jun Lin was wearing in the beginning, as well.

The whole footage was shown by The Mirror and the whole case is being analyzed detail by detail.

Apparently, the prosecutor has said that Luka Magnotta was actually planning the killing 6 months prior to it happening and he had even emailed a British journalist, telling him that he was planning to "kill a human being and videotape the act."

After he committed the crime, Luka Magnotta was searched internationally as he fled to London and later on to Berlin and was finally caught in an Internet Café there, and reading about him, it seems.

Then, a close friend from Jun Lin has testified these days and said that he had been called by Lin Feng, Jun Lin's ex-boyfriend, telling him that he hadn't heard from Jun Lin "for more than 60 hours," and that he should check up on him.

After that, his friend went to his apartment and found a hungry cat there. From there, he went to Jun Lin's workplace and he hadn't been appearing for the last two days. Then, to the University and he found nothing there either.

He had been hearing about the video "1 Lunatic, 1 Ice Pick" and searched for it, finding Jun Lin finally, according to CBC.

Luka Magnotta's lawyer intentions are to prove something different, though: "His lawyer told the court in his opening statement that he intends to prove that his client was not criminally responsible for his actions because of mental illness. He told the court Magnotta suffers from schizophrenia."

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