Allspice Seasoning Can Fight The Deadly Cancer

Did you know that Allspice can help fight prostate cancer? Research at the University of Miami's Miller School of Medicine has found that allspice is such a great ingredient in food to prevent deadly cancer in men.

Though our only intention to use spices is to enhance the flavor of the food, the study has given us yet another amazing reason to use spices in food.

It has proved that Ericifolin that is found in allspice has androgen compounds that stop the growth of cancerous tumors in the prostate. In laboratory animals, the compound Ericifolin has found to reduce cancerous growth by nearly 50 percent, which is good news for people who are fighting cancer.

Allspice is also known as newspice, Jamaica pepper or myrtle pepper. It is mostly found in Caribbean islands. Allspice is usually used in sausages, meat dishes and cakes. It enhances the taste of Jamaican food and even other meat items.

Prostate cancer has been proved to cause many deaths in the U.S. Though not many food items have been proved to prevent this cancer, allspice is one exceptional ingredient that works wonders. The compound in allspice has cancer fighting property and is definitely a savior to men who might be affected by cancer.

Apart from cancer, allspice has also proved to heal many other ailments. It is a traditional medicine for many digestive problems and it helps relieve a person from gastric problems, abdominal pain, and even indigestion.

Allspice is rich in aromatic compounds that increase the flavour in food. It also has cineole, eugenol, alpha pinene, alpha terpene, limonene, and other antioxidant properties that make it a healthy ingredient for the human body.

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