Oreos Weed Brings Popular Craze

Now that the U.S. has legalized medicinal marijuana in at least 23 states and DC, the booming recipes in making Oreos Weed bring so much craze in the U.S.!

According to a study from Connecticut College students and a professor of psychology, America's favorite cookie, Oreo is just as addictive as cocaine - at least for laboratory rats.

In the same study designed to shed light on the potential addictiveness of high-fat/ high-sugar foods, Joseph Schroeder, associate professor of psychology and director of the behavioral neuroscience program, and his students found rats formed an equally strong association between the pleasurable effects of eating Oreos and a specific environment as they did between cocaine or morphine and a specific environment. They also found that eating cookies activated more neurons in the brain's "pleasure center" than exposure to drugs of abuse.

That's just the Oreo part. No wonder the recipe of making Weed Oreos has gained a huge following in the worldwide web. What happens then when you combine Oreo (that's already addictive) and weed?

With the legal cannabis available, Americans are given a freehand to try and make their own Oreo Weed recipes which can be readily found trending on Youtube and other marijuana-based community online video sites. There are also lots of marijuana recipe websites that help the curious consumer make Oreos Weed.

The best way to stay sane when eating "edibles" is to know your limits. The effects from marijuana according to Oregon marijuana activist Johnny Green are much stronger when eaten as opposed to smoking or vaporizing it. When someone eats marijuana in the form of a brownie, cookie, candy, etc, it goes through the bloodstream.

It takes longer to kick in compared to smoking or vaporizing because smoking or vaporizing goes into the nervous system, which makes the effects kick in much faster. When marijuana is eaten and goes into the bloodstream, it takes about 45 minutes to an hour to kick in, but once it does, the effects can last many hours longer than it does when inhaled. Start slow, and let time go by, and eat more as needed. After you have eaten edibles a few times, you will then have a good idea of how much you can handle.

It's now up to you if you still want to give Oreos Weed a try.

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