Starbucks Secret Menu Plus Other Norms We Should Stop Now

Starbucks is a brand known to all. Apart from its coffee, Starbucks has created a coffee shop culture that most people are familiar with. By doing coffee the way they do, Starbucks has definitely upped the general population's coffee game. With the good comes the bad, so we name five things that make people irate with the Starbucks Culture.

  • Using Starbucks specific references at other places - At some point in our lives, we have come across people using words outside a Starbucks establishment that are meant to be used inside a Starbucks establishment. Whether it's the size of an order (Short, Tall, Grande, and Venti) or the way drinks are served (Upside down, Skinny, triple, quad, etc.) keep in mind they are used in Starbucks for a reason. They're the only ones who understand them.
  • Asking for a secret menu - sometimes a menu is just a menu. Even Starbucks doesn't have a secret menu. Some places do have it but most don't. If you ask something from a non-existent menu, odds are no one else is going to know about it. Furthermore, that thing on the secret menu that you read about online is most probably a customized product particular to a barista or some coffee aficionado. Not everyone in Starbucks knows about it, even less so in non-Starbucks establishments.
  • Making everything customized - Starbucks is known to offer this service for a complete and excellent customer experience. While other places are also in the business of making their products customized, other places just don't. Some places stick to a tried and tested, method recipe, procedure and what-not to make their product distinct and from the rest. If they allow you to order something extra on the side then that's a plus.
  • Overly Complicated Orders - This one is closely related to the customizable drinks that you can get from Starbucks. But like said earlier, in other places, they don't appreciate the pretentiousness. Some are just really specific when it comes to their orders but others do it to show off their extensive coffee knowledge. Don't be that person.
  • Comparing what they have on Starbucks to other places -Sometimes you may just be curious or you really want something similar but remember, it's quite rude to do so. If you wanted something similar in Starbucks, the best place to probably get it from is Starbucks. Be polite when asking, and maybe the servers or baristas will be more inclined to help you out.
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