You Should Be Eating More Strawberries and Here's Why

Fruits are usually part of any healthy diet since they are rich in fiber, as well as healthy sugars. They're great for people who are looking to lose weight, regulate their blood sugar, and those who are looking for a low-fat, high-nutrient diet.

We all know that fruits, in general, are good for you, and there are hundreds of different kinds out there, but why should you eat strawberries in particular?

Sure, everyone loves strawberries, whether they're munching on them with some fresh cream, or they're using them for baking, cooking, or making delicious beverages. Strawberries are very versatile, and they lend their delicious, unique flavor nicely to a lot of different foods.

Aside from their delicious taste, these sweet red gems are said to have disease-fighting properties and can give you a much-needed vitamin boost. Take a look at its other benefits:

1. They are bursting with vitamins and antioxidants.

Strawberries contain a huge dose of Vitamin C, about 160% of what you need daily, for a single serving of eight pieces. It also contains polyphenols, a powerful antioxidant, as well as fiber, manganese, and potassium.

2. Strawberries lower the risk of heart disease.

Strawberries contain ellagic acid and flavonoids, both antioxidants, which can lower bad and increase good cholesterol in the blood. They also have an anti-inflammatory effect and also fight homocysteine, an amino acid related to heart disease.

3. They keep your blood pressure at bay.

Because they contain potassium, strawberries can counteract the negative effects of sodium. It is said that strawberries contain 134 mg of potassium per serving, so they can really help regulate blood pressure.

4. They help you manage your weight.

A cup of strawberries is the ideal snack, with its low amount of natural sugars and sodium, and is naturally fat-free and low calorie. A 1.5-cup serving will give you less than 100 calories!

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