Foods And Drinks That Work Like Caffeine

Are you still drowning in your coffee grandes these days? Excessive intake of caffeine can ruin your body metabolism and worse, dehydrate you. If you need to create more buzz for your body, here are the foods and drinks that's as much energizing as your caffeine cups.


Dark chocolate, as an energy booster, contains zero fat and improves your blood flow - resulting an energy boost in your body. A research conducted to one group of adults with fatigue symptoms showed that 8 weeks of cocoa nibs consumption resulted in more energy level. They became less fatigue and no weight gain. Chocolate contains 2 compounds responsible for boosting energy, phenethylamine and theobromine. These compounds also produce the chemical called serotonin that boosts our mood.


As a good source of vitamin C, chickpeas are iron-rich food that can work as a natural energy booster. The iron property is responsible for carrying oxygen in our blood. Our body absorbs iron nutrient better from vegetables than meat or poultry. Not to mention, its anti-oxidant property defenses cells from free radicals intrusion.

Ice water

The sluggish feeling of dehydrated can be solved by drinking a glass of cool ice water in the morning. It shocks our body metabolism and keeps you alert despite how early you kickstart your day. H20 is an energy-enhancing drink that produces melatonin for better sleep cycle.


Ginseng is a healthy energy booster that stimulates our brain and reduces stress. You can either consume Ginseng in a cup of tea or supplement. It's a safe method to increase the blood flow and keep you alert - just like how caffeine would do.


Beans are converted to energy and eating plenty of them help you fight heart disease and mental sluggishness. Beans and avocados contain B12 and Folate that can elevate metabolism and increase alertness.

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