National Peanut Butter Lover's Day 2016: Why is Peanut Butter Good For You?

A healthy and easy way to start your morning is to spread a spoonful of peanut butter onto to your whole grain bread.

A creative way to present peanut butter for kids is to make ants on a log. A celery stick is the log and raisins are arranged over the peanut butter base. These are the ants. Children would surely enjoy such creative snacks, which can be quite healthy.

Peanut nutrition

They are an excellent source of protein, butter, vitamin E, vitamin B6, pantothenic acid and niacin.

Peanuts are rich in manganese, magnesium, zinc and copper. It is a good source of thiamine, potassium and iron.

Health benefits

They contain heart-healthy monounsaturated fats. They rival fruits as a source of antioxidants. The antioxidants present in peanuts boost the heart health.

Peanuts contain resveratrol which is also found in red grapes. Resveratrol increases the blood flow to the brain by 30 percent. This increased flow of blood reduces the risk of strokes.

Peanut butter jelly sandwich may be a delightful way to prevent gallstones. Research proves that peanuts or peanut butter help prevent gallbladder diseases.

Regular consumption of niacin-rich foods such as peanuts or peanut butter provides protection against Alzheimer's disease or age-related cognitive decline.

Researchers say that frequent nut consumption helps in weight loss. Eating peanuts can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes.

How to buy peanut butter?

You have to read the label. Natural, old fashioned, plain and organic peanut butter are the best. It would be wise to choose peanut butter with no sugars and hydrogenated fats.

Delicious ways to enjoy peanut butter

You can enjoy peanut butter jelly sandwich, or fill the nut butter in your celery stick for an afternoon pick me up. You can make peanut butter bliss balls and peanut butter sauce with ginger.

March 1 is the peanut butter lover's day. So enjoy this lovely nut butter all the way to good health.

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