Oscars 2016 Causes Pineapple Craze: Pineapple Tops Craving List for Awards Night

All fetishes come in so many forms.

Interestingly, GrubHub data shows that Americans crave for pineapple in their order list when watching the Oscars. Americans usually have an Oscars party at their house, right?

In 2015, pineapple topped the craving list of Americans watching the Oscars. The most ordered dishes were pineapple fried rice (36 percent among women) and Hawaiian pizza (36 percent among men and 38 percent overall).

So, what's in a pineapple?

The well-known pineapple fruit is actually a complex flower head that forms around the stem. Each of the eyes on the surface is the dried base of a small flower. The pineapple is the only cultivated fruit whose main stem runs completely through it. The top crown of leaves contains a bud that, when mature, indicates that the fruit is ready for cutting. The crowns from the top of the fruit are usually used for propagation because pineapples contain no viable seeds; occasionally, slips from the base of the fruit or suckers are used if planting material is in short supply.

Pineapples' nutritional benefits are as fascinating as their anatomy as pineapples contain high amounts of Vitamin C and manganese. These tropical treats are also a good way to get important dietary fiber and bromelain otherwise known as the pineapple enzyme. Pineapples have high amounts of manganese, which is important for antioxidant defenses; they also contain high amounts of thiamin, a Vitamin B that is involved in energy production.

Is it possible that pineapples are addictive? The answer is no. Well, pineapples have unique flavor and taste and known for their juiciness and sweetness. Pineapple is full of nutrients, vitamins and minerals such as fiber, vitamin B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, C and E, protein, zinc, phosphorous, manganese, calcium, sulfur, potassium and iron. But that's all to that. There's yet no study saying that pineapples are addictive.

So, next time you order food with pineapple ingredients, you know that it was your deliberate intention to munch this sweet tropical fruit!

Enjoy the Oscars with your succulent pineapples!

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