Study reveals Higher Health Benefits of Organic Milk and Meat

The organic meat and milk are found to have 50 percent more essential fatty acids like the omega-3s. The Omega-3-fatty acid is known for its benefits to reduce the risks of heart problems.

Based on 67 studies conducted over the past two decades analysis was done on the organic and non-organic meats that are produced in the United States, Europe and Brazil.

The healthy Omega-3-fatty acid was found to be 47 percent higher in the organic meats than the non-organic meats. Thus, the organic meats beat the non-organic counterparts in keeping the body healthy, according to the New York Times.

Another analysis was done taking into account 196 studies on dairy concentrated more on milk. The results revealed the same as the meat. The organic milk has 46 percent higher omega-3s than the non-organic milk.

Carlo Leifert, Professor of Ecological Agriculture at Newcastle University in England conducted the studies that were published this week in British journal of Nutrition. According to him, the most complained lack of omega-3s in the present diet can be overcome by the consumption of the organics meats.

Leifert also explains the fact behind the higher omega-3 content in the organics. It is strongly attributed to the food habits of the animal.

The organic live stocks' foods were mostly grass they obtained from grazing. But the non-organic animals were mostly kept indoors with their food rich in grains. In simple words more the intake of grass more is the presence of omega-3s in the milk and meat.

In the same way, the organic beef that is grass-fed that are under the control of U.S Department of Agriculture can certainly give the benefit of omega-3s as the other meat and milk.

Since the meat is the main source of protein and omega-3 poly saturated fats it wise to choose the organics over their non-organic counterparts.

Though there are still undefined factors about studying the health benefits of the organic meats and milk is undeniable.

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