Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton Fave Snacks: Presidential Munchables, Dishes of Leading 2016 US Candidates

Even the men and women running for president get hungry every once in a while. All those debates, campaign tours, and media rounds would surely get them famished. However, have you ever wondered what they would snack on in between their busy schedules? Read on and find out if their eating habits are just as colorful as they are:

  • Donald Trump

Apparently, the real estate mogul eats pizza without the crust (according to an article from He is known to scrape off the toppings and just leave the dough. As unusual as that is to some people, Trump also has some regular and homey favorites. For every birthday, he would usually request his sister to make him some meatloaf. He's also known as a big fan of hamburgers and ice cream.

  • Hillary Clinton

It was revealed in a Yahoo article that she munches on Jalapeños while campaigning. To start her day, she would usually chow either well-done or soft scrambled eggs. The former Secretary of State is also a big fan of spicy foods. In fact, when she was First Lady, she would regularly request sweet potatoes with fiery red curry paste, admitted former White House chef Walter Scheib.

  • Jeb Bush

The son of President George Bush is a big fan of Mexican food, with enchiladas and chilaquiles among his favorites. This isn't such a surprise considering he spent some time on Leon, Mexico when he was 17 years old. Nowadays, Bush is more cautious of what he eats by sticking to a low-carb paleo diet.

  • Ben Carson

The former neurosurgeon has always been vocal about his vegetarian diet. If elected, he would be the first vegan president of the country. It is revealed in an article from The Sacramento Bee that Carson admitted to Sacramento Calif. Mayor, Kevin Johnson, that he is a big fan of vegan chili.

All these candidates certainly have good taste in food. Whoever wins this election, you can expect that some of the dishes mentioned earlier would be served in the White House.

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