World’s First Vegan Supermarket Chain to Launch in Portland

Presently, vegan products are only available in select groceries. A tiny section is also provided for them in the conventional grocery stores. However, the scenario will change in Portland, Oregon where a vegan supermarket is scheduled to launch.

Veganz, the first and world's largest vegan grocery store chain, will set up shop in the famously crunchy city later this year. Additionally, they will also set up a shoe and clothing store and restaurant in Portland.

The former manager of Mercedes - Benz, Jan Bredack, established the vegan chain, which helps people from around the world to switch to eco - friendly products, in February 2011 in Berlin, Germany.

Bredack, who became a vegan in 2009, said he found it hard to "shop normally" at home. Germany, after all, is the meat-loving home to 1,500 different types of sausages and cold cuts.

"It should be really simple," he told The Local. "People shouldn't have to cut out anything."

Veganz presently imports goods from 30 different countries worldwide and sells thousands of vegan products including fake meat and fish, plant milk and cream, vegan ice creams, vegan cheese as well as toiletries and cosmetics, according to Eco Watch.

Currently, there are more than 10 branches of Vegans across Europe including Berlin, Cologne, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Essen, Munich, Prague, and Vienna.

Veganz first branch in the UK is reportedly expected to offer more than 6,000 vegan products.

Although the U.S. is still heavily a nation of meat eaters-vegans make up roughly 6 percent of the U.S. population-Americans have certainly reduced their meat consumption in recent years.

In addition to the growing list of health concerns, more and more people are also considering the environmental consequences of meat and animal products.

Thus, it is yet to be seen if Veganz will be able to change the diet of the nation for the greater good.

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