Excessive Sugar Intake Detrimental For Brain, Cardiovascular Health

It is common knowledge that excessive intake of sugar is harmful to our weight and dental health. However, findings of two recent studies showed that intake of excessive sugar has severe damaging effects on our brain as well as the cardiovascular system.

According to one study carried out on rodents, the damage caused by ingesting too much sugar on the region of the brain that governs emotional behavior and cognitive function is more extensive compared to that caused by intense stress during one's early life.

Findings of another study carried in the Journal of American Medical Association provided more evidence to the fact that consuming foods containing added sugars are detrimental to the health of our heart.

Most of us are aware that the unpleasant early life experiences like extreme stress or abuse augment the hazards of poor mental health as well as psychiatric problems later on. In fact, the more a child is exposed to traumatic events like accidents, deaths, natural disasters, sexual abuse and domestic violence are related to increased intensification of the stress hormone called cortisol, Independent reported.

The study undertaken on female Sprague-Dawley rats confirmed that effects of stress on the brain during early life worsened when the rodents were administered elevated volumes of sugary drinks.

Findings of the study showed that the sugar-induced changes in the brain were very alarming, especially consumption of elevated amounts of sugar by children in the nine-16 year age group.

On the other hand, the study published in the Journal of American Heart Association substantiated that people who consumed foods containing added sugars were at great risks of cardiovascular diseases. These included sugars added food producers during the manufacturing process or sugars to any food by consumers, Eating Well pointed out.

In fact, last year the American Heart Association suggested that women should never intake over 100 calories or six teaspoons daily via added sugars. On the other hand, the standard intake of added sugar for men should less than 150 calories or about nine teaspoons. For instance, the added sugar content in a 12-ounce can of cola is approximately 8 teaspoons.

Though these findings should not come as a surprise to many, it is high time people keen on maintaining optimal health ought to be careful about the intake of sugars in their daily diet.

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