Stunning Health and Beauty Benefits of Papaya: Unlocked

"Fruit of the angels" -this is what Christopher Columbus nicknamed papaya. This tasty fruit has a soft butter like consistency and has musky undertones.

This tropical fruit is packed with all the nutrients and beauty goodness that you would ever dream it would offer.

Papaya Nutrition

It is rich in vitamin C, folate, fiber, vitamin A, potassium, copper and pantothenic acid. In addition, papaya contains a unique enzyme called papain.

Health benefits

Promotes heart health

Papaya is rich in vitamin C and vitamin A. These vitamins prevent the oxidation of cholesterol. When cholesterol is oxidized it builds up in the walls of blood vessels forming plaques. This action can lead to heart attacks and strokes.

Boosts digestive health

The fibers of papaya bind the cancer-causing toxins in the colon and keep them away from healthy colon cells. Thus, it prevents colon cancer.

Provides anti-inflammatory benefits

The unique proteins papain and chymopapain present in papaya helps low inflammation and promotes wound healing.

The beta carotene and vitamin C present in papaya reduce inflammation. This is highly beneficial for persons suffering from asthma, osteoarthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis. These diseases are aggravated due to inflammation.

Papaya enhances the immune system, protects against macular degeneration and prevents prostate cancer.

Beauty benefits

Apart from all its nutrient benefits, this wonder fruit boosts your beauty quotient.

Radiant skin

This sunlit fruit with streaks of yellow and dark green can do wonders for your skin. The antioxidants present in papaya helps repair skin, damaged due to sun, pollution, smoke and chemicals.

It helps in exfoliation. The papain enzyme helps to remove dead skin cells and give your face a healthy glow.

The nutrients moisturize the skin and keep it soft, fresh and supple. The enzyme papain modulates the skin cells and reduces wrinkles. This takes off years from your face and gives a younger, beautiful look.

The papain enzymes help to lighten dark or sunburnt skin and help the face looks healthy and youthful. The pulp of papaya can be applied as a hair conditioner.

How to enjoy a papaya?

You can add fresh slices of papaya to your cereal, salad or yogurt. WH Food writers say that you can cut the papaya into half and fill it with cottage cheese and shrimp or tuna salad and enjoy it.

You can eat fresh papaya over broiled fish.

Papaya facial

The authors of Blue Osa, a yoga retreat, and spa give us some stunning beauty tips about papaya. You can blend the papaya flesh and add 1 tablespoon of honey to remove dull skin and get fresh glowing skin

You can mash papaya and add 1 whipped egg white and 1 teaspoon of honey to get a youthful, fresh, soft, supple and beautiful face.

These are cost effective beauty treatments which can be done in the comfort of your own home. Try it and accept all the compliments that come your way.

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