The Dangers of Fried Food

Fried foods are taking over. Everything it seems can be fried these days from deep fried smores to a deep fried chocolate bar, it's a dangerous trend that doesn't seem to be slowing down anytime soon. The bad thing about this particular trend is the long term and short term risks it brings to the body. Below are some of the dangerous effects brought on by fried foods.

Fried foods clog arteries and veins
Clogged arteries can lead to heart attacks, aneurysms, strokes and Alzheimer's disease.

Canola oil is used by almost all restaurants
Canola oil is on the top three genetically modified to contain pesticides products. Canola oil is also synthetic; it deprives the cells of oxygen and can cause respiratory distress, emphysema and in the long run even cancer.

Most fried foods include MSG
These are toxic salts used to enhance the flavor of food

Fried foods are inflammatory foods
Inflammatory foods are known to cause problems in the joints

Arterial plaque increases blood pressure.
An increase in blood pressure can lead to so many health complications that is extremely hazardous to the quality of your life.

Fried foods soak up oils
Potatoes and most bread absorb a lot of the canola oil and convert it into sugar in our stomachs.
If fried foods aren't broken down in the body properly, they end up staying in the kidneys, liver, intestines, prostate and colon sometimes forever.

Fried food causes hunger
Seeing as a lot of calories in these foods are basically empty and void of the important nutrients the body needs to survive, eating these foods would cause you body to keep searching for nutrients. This causes you to constantly "crave" food.

Sugar and carbs feed infection
This causes a somewhat viscous cycle where the body keeps craving more of the same garbage.

If you have been eating too much-fried products then today should be the day you say bye to that unhealthy habit and adopt a better, more healthy diet that would ensure you live a longer better life. And if you are already on a healthy path of eating fried meals only once in a while then keep it up. Remember not all fried meals are bad, you can beat the risks by grilling as opposed to deep frying.

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