7 Food That Improves The Heart

Heart failure is one of the leading causes of death in America. Heart problems have claimed the lives of so many that we must all take every possible precautionary step to ensuring we don't become another statistic in heart diseases hit-list. Eat these meals to keep your heart strong and ward off any heart condition.

Fiber-rich and filled with folate, potassium and omega -3 fatty acids oats can lower the levels of cholesterol in the body and clear up the arteries.

Salmon and other oily fishes like mackerel, tuna, herring, and sardines are extremely rich in omega-3 fatty acids, salmon are proven to reduce the blood pressure and preventing blood clots. Eating salmons can reduce the risk of dying of a heart attack by up to 30% The risk of arrhythmia, and atherosclerosis is lowered by the omega-3 present in salmon it can also significantly reduce decrease triglycerides.

Avocados contain a large amount of monounsaturated fat. Studies have shown that avocados can help lower LDL levels and increase the quantity of HDL cholesterol in your body.

Olive oil
Just like the avocado, olive oil is full of monounsaturated fats which lower bad LDL cholesterol and reduces your risk of developing heart disease.

A lot of research has shown that the antioxidants present in raisins can kill off the bacteria that causes gum disease, people with gun diseases are two times more likely to get a heart disease.

Eating walnuts can elevate the HDL cholesterol levels in the body and decrease LDL. They are also loaded with omega-3 acids fatty acids

Legumes are yet another food heavy on omega-3 fatty fats. legumes also contain calcium and soluble fibre.

These foods are definitely something one might want to adopt to ensure a healthier happier life. One must take note that the ingestion cannot on its own stop heart failure; one must combine these meals with a good exercise routine.

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