Foods That Can Prevent Cancer

Cancer is a disease we must all take precaution against no matter what. The American Cancer Society recommends that you eat a minimum of five servings of fruits and vegetables daily to stay healthy. Research has found out that certain foods may actually protect you from getting cancer. Here are a bunch of food you can eat to prevent yourself from getting cancer.


The skin of a grape is very rich in an antioxidant called resveratrol. According to the national cancer institute, the antioxidant can be very helpful in keeping cancer away or stop it from spending. Studies have shown that it limits the growth of cancer cells .drinnk grape juice and red wine in moderate amounts to protect yourself from cancer.


Beans are an important source of antioxidants that are often left neglected. Pinto and red kidney beans are especially rich in antioxidants and should be included in your diet if you want to fight cancer. Also, the fiber in beans can go a long way to help reduce the risk of cancer.

Peanuts and Peanut Butter

Research shows that ingesting a rich vitamin E diet reduces the possibility of getting stomach, colon, lung, liver, and other cancers. Add vitamin E-rich foods to your diet by using peanuts, almonds and sunflower seeds to your daily meals. Have a peanut butter sandwich in the morning to keep cancer away.


A lot of studies have proven that ingesting garlic can prevent cancers in your digestive organs. The specific amount of garlic to eat isn't yet known but it wouldn't hurt to eat a clove a day. If you are not a huge fan of chewing garlic you can always infuse it into your daily meals.

Leafy Green Vegetables

Vegetables like lettuce, collard greens, mustard greens, kale, and spinach are amazing sources of beta-carotene and lutein. These antioxidants may limit the growth of some kinds of cancer cells in the body according to the American Institute for Cancer Research.


A great treat, berries have more purpose than their delicious taste. they contain powerful antioxidants that can naturally stop the growth of cancer cells. eat a handful of blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, or any other berry today and protect yourself from cancer.
Green Tea

Some studies have figured out that the antioxidant, catechins, found in tea can shrink tumors and reduce tumor cell growth. Green tea has higher amounts of catechins so you might want to grab a mug before you head to work this morning.

Protect yourself every day by ensuring you incorporate at least one of these ingredients to your daily diet. Some other foods that can protect you from cancer are apples, broccoli and cruciferous vegetables, cherries, coffee, cranberries, flaxseed and whole grains.

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