How To Beat Climate Change: Go Organic!

Very few of us are aware of the fact that aside from environmental pollutions and heat emissions, the foods we consume also contribute to climate change. For instance, the emissions from our food systems, right from fertilizer manufacture to food transportation, may be responsible for about a third of global warming. Therefore, having a clear understanding of our food chain, the energy required for producing it and the distance it travels to reach us, will help us decide on eating healthier foods.

Unless we become aware and initiate necessary steps to drastically cut down artificial emissions, there is bound to be a considerable rise in the mean global temperature, resulting in more severe droughts and floods. In turn, they will increase the life span of pests and help them to migrate to regions where they are still not a problem, Eating Well reported.

Climate change is sure to have a severe affect on agriculture. In fact already several food varieties are disappearing from the planet owing to climate change. Conventionally farmers cultivated a mixture of crops to ensure that there is no food scarcity during severe drought or pest attacks. However, with the industrialization of food, now there are large farms growing only one crop variety. As a result, our food supply has become extremely vulnerable.

However, you may adopt a few things vis-à-vis your foods that will help you beat climate change. For instance, you need to go for locally grown/ produced and organic foods. At the same time restrict consumption of meat and dairy products. More importantly, reduce your consumption of processed foods.

There are some other things you can do, says David Suzuki. He suggests that you should never waste food, because when you throw food it also wastes all after production processes including growing them, shipping, packaging and producing. You will be shocked to know that nearly 50 percent of the world's food production is wasted following production - disposed off during processing, while transporting, as well as in supermarkets and kitchens.

At the same time, don't rely entirely on superstores for your food supplies, but grow some in your gardens, terrace or balcony. When you grow your own vegetables, you can ensure that they are grown organically. In addition, it does away with the problems related to transportation and the food becoming spoilt in the process. Ideally, you should grow herbs, lettuce, tomatoes and other vegetables and eat them fresh.

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