Promising Diet: Sarah Wilson’s 8 Week ‘I Quit Sugar’ Program

A chance like never before to cut off sugar from the diet is being stressed by Sarah Wilsons's 8 week "I Quit Sugar" program. However, this is not for the faint-hearted.

There comes the next blow 'Cut of all the fruits, sweetener, and alcohol from the diet' says the Sarah's diet plan to quit the sugar.

The diet is no easy-peasy task that involves the overcoming of addiction, cravings and not to mention the mind torture. It is followed by yet another series of physical torments that comes in the form of side effects.

Well, not everyone experiences the same side effects. The side effects are found to vary from the sluggishness, tiredness, feeling low, depressed to the flickering of the peripheral vision along with memory loss and fuzziness.

The sleep disturbances are considered the top concern during the diet. The people undergoing the diet have reported the annoying waking up at the wee hours of the night.

The best choice to follow through the diet is to find the best alternatives for the most craved food. Say a banana for chocolate. As the days goes on with the strict following of the diet the cravings and restrictions is found to diminish.

The intake increases to compensate the craving but the replacements are obviously food with fewer calories, according to Good Food. Initial varying of high and low blood pressure is found to adjust to the normal in a two weeks time.

The great advantage of the diet is that the concentration should be on the cutting down of the sugar rather than on reduction of calories. Once the diet is complete one will know the enormous amount of pounds they have lost over the time making their perseverance a victory.

Sarah suggests re-introduction of sweet in the diet on the sixth week, but by this time, the cravings would have gone completely. At the end of the diet, the body will be in complete health and the mind will be overwhelming never like before.

Sarah's eight-week "I quit sugar," online program is the best for someone seeking support through e-mails, diet plan, and messenger board throughout the diet.

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