Tofu: A Superfood With Numerous Health Benefits

As people are becoming more health conscious, they are seeking natural foods to remain fit and healthy. Contrary to the common belief that only lean meat consumption can help us to obtain the amount of protein required by our body, there are several vegetable products that can serve the same purpose, for instance, tofu.

Unlike meat, tofu does not contain any fat and is very low in cholesterol. One of the most nutritious foods loaded with proteins, tofu is prepared by fermenting soy milk. This plant-based wonder food contains isoflavones, which are effective in diminishing low-density lipoprotein (LDL or "bad") cholesterol while increasing the count of high-density lipoprotein (HDL or "good") cholesterol in the blood stream. As a result, it is an ideal food for the health of our heart, The Health Site reports.

Tofu is also rich in iron content, making it useful for hemoglobin production. It also contains elevated levels of vitamin E and calcium. In effect, tofu offers numerous health benefits.

Changing lifestyles, food habits, stress and environmental pollution has led to heart attack and cardiovascular diseases as a major cause of deaths in most regions of the world. Consuming tofu regularly helps to reduce the risk of developing these conditions.

Tofu contains bioactive peptides likes glycinin and conglycinin, which serve as natural antioxidants as well as anti-inflammatory agents. As a result, consumption of tofu helps to reduce inflammation and prevent any damage to the blood vessels. At the same time, this food alleviates hypertension. Hence, it is advisable that you incorporate this product into your regular diet suggests The Fit Indian.

Women in the menopausal stage will find tofu beneficial because of its high calcium content, which helps to reduce incidences of hot flashes, and bone-related issues in such women. Antioxidants present in tofu are useful in purring of rheumatoid arthritis, besides correcting the oestrogen level imbalance in menopausal women.

The presence of the trace mineral selenium in tofu helps to protect from colon cancer and reduces the chances of developing prostate cancer in men. In addition, several studies have shown that women who consume tofu regularly have about 60 percent less chances of developing breast cancer. Selenium is required by our body to ensure the normal functioning of antioxidants with combat various forms of cancer.

The other benefits of tofu include inhibiting the aging process, aiding in weight loss, preventing type 2 diabetes, boosting the immune system, preventing hair loss and several others.

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