5 Negative Effects Of Low Carb Diet

Taco Cleanse, Pizza Diet and now, Chicken Nuggets Diet? Many people are skeptical when it comes to believing the effectiveness of these fad diets, but did you know that some fully-accepted and widely-used diets have its share of potentially putting your health in danger?

Almost every person who wanted to shed off some pounds has considered-if not doing the low carb diet. Mayo Clinic defined Low Carb Diet as the kind which limits the consumption of grains and starchy fruits and vegetables and suggests additional intake of food rich in protein and fat as substitute.

Because of the loss of some vital nutrients, the Low Carb diet can cause some harm to your body;

Shortens Lifespan

An imbalanced diet where one is eating more protein and less carbohydrates can lead to some cardiometabolic issues and result to reducing your lifespan. One study (LINK) from Australia a diet that encourages a moderate consumption of protein, high in carbohydrates and low in fat that will make way to a longer life and better metabolic rate.

It can you dumb

Rice are known to be memory boosters. According to Soly James, the Chief Dietitian at Raheja Hospital in Mumbai, "Our brain solely functions on glucose, which is the end product of carbohydrate metabolism." If the intake of carbohydrate providing food is lessened, sugar production is lessened resulting to slower processing and function of the brain. It may cause poor memory and inability to concentrate and focus.

Does not aid weight loss

A study published in the journal Cell Metabolism, explored the idea that choosing a low carb diet does not really help in losing weight, hence, restricting a high intake of fat does. When you reduce your carbohydrate intake, you also reduce your sources of fiber that may lead to sudden hunger pangs and uncontrollable cravings in between meal time. This will result to more frequent snacking that will only take you farther away your weight goal.

Digestion Problems

Because of the loss of fibre sources, which is provided by the carbohydrates, your digestion process may have a hard time processing, which may be detrimental to your health. A good digestive system is extremely essential because this processes the intake of nutrients from food and excretes the toxins our body get. As explained by the Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition, carbohydrate-rich foods which are at the same time low in sugar but rich in fiber should be consumed daily.

Bad for the heart

A study conducted in Sweden for over 25 years now, a diet with low carbohydrate intake is just like a fad diet and has the potential to increase cholesterol level which really impacts the heart.

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