Twitter Rants And A $5M Lawsuit Welcomes McDonald's 'Cheese-less' Mozzarella Sticks

McDonald's was rained with critism and complaints through social media by disappointed and furious customers after finding out that the newest offering of the biggest fast food brand seems to be lacking one important ingredient.

According to netizens who aired out their frustration online, they were served "cheese-less mozzarella sticks". Customers posted photos of their orders-a hollow breadcrumb-crusted log and nothing more on their Twitter and Facebook profiles.

Described as 'melty mozzarella cheese breaded with a golden crust', these mozzarella sticks are the newest finger food McDonald's included in their US and UK menu, available for $1 for three sticks.

US Based citizens shared pictures of the infamous treat, along with endless rants and complaints online.

@HeyAmber021 said that her excitement to try the tempting meal was not worth what she got. Her craving was far from satisfied. All of the six sticks were empty-clearly, that was not a mistake.

Courtney Wright expected 'real' mozzarellas, but no, there was no mozzarella at all. She pointed the disappointed emoji, with the caption: "'When you get mozzarella sticks but there is no cheese in them.'

Another Twitter user and 'Cheese-less' mozzarella stick customer, April Chavez tweeted: 'Excuse me McDonald's there's no cheese in my mozzarella sticks?!', while Francesca Stubbs seemed confused, asking: 'What is this?' with a picture of her mozzarella stick and asked 'how is that even possible?'

With utmost sarcasm, @CheeseburgerCas pointed out 'When I order mozzarella sticks I generally want cheese.' She posted a box full of the "mozzarella" snacks empty on the inside, without cheese.

And now, as proof that this is something that can't just be shrugged off, a man from California, who was given a cheese-less mozzarella sticks too, filed a lawsuit and asks for $5 Million as damages. He is being representative of the other 40 customers who decided to take their complaints to the next level.

If you think that they are just over reacting, McDonald's may be doing something illegal. According to Eater, "3.76 percent of the cheese portion of McDonald's mozzarella sticks is actually starch filler. Federal guidelines reportedly prohibit the use of starch in products that are labeled "mozzarella cheese". It is considered fraud and deception, and unfair advertising since the fast food chain claims it actually contained mozzarella cheese.

McDonald's, on the other hand, has spoken on the issue and denied the allegations that they are manipulating and cooking something up in their kitchens except happy meals. The company will face charges and prove that they are selling meals as promised, in this case legit mozzarella sticks.

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