Can You Guess What Is America's Favorite Comfort Food?

America has a lot of comfort food, to cap off a stressful day or just to reward oneself for little accomplishments. But did you know what is America's Favorite snack?

We're guessing you guessed it right; It's Pizza. Four cheese, Pepperoni, Meatlovers or completely vegan everyone's favorite round thing is voted as everyone's favorite comfort food last 2015.

With 15% out of the 2,252 American adults, Pizza dominated the poll, followed by chocolate and ice cream lovers, which tied on the second spot with 7% each. Mac & Cheese comes in third place and chips in fourth place, with 5% and 4%, respectively.

The Poll was commissioned by Harris Poll, one of the longest running surveys measuring public opinion in the United States.

Pizza was voted number one in majority of the poll's demographics which are gender, location and age. But most of the adults aged 70 and older preferred ice cream over pizza.

When it comes to the reasons why they indulge with their comfort food vary. 54% of the women who were part of the story said that they are most likely to eat pizza when they are stressed, while majority of men, 43%, said they opt to eat pizza celebrating the end of a really good day.

Reasons also vary in age groups/ While Millenials (58%) and Gen Xers (50%) answered they are more likely to reach out for their comfort food under stress, the Baby Boomer generation stated that they would eat their comfort snack after a bad day. Those who belong in the 70 and above age group always opt to eat their comfort food as a reward on a really good day.

Surprisingly, 66% of all the respondents admitted that they don't feel guilty after eating their favorite comfort food, but 41% said that they would work out longer after consuming their favorite snack.

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