Meals You Can Order At Fast Food Joints Under 500 Calories

Contrary to popular belief that all the items available in fast food are unhealthy and has thousands of calories, there still remains some which we can say are the "better" options, if you want to taste the fast food "grease" but don't feel guilty after munching.

Related: Top 18 Unhealthiest Food from Fast Food

To serve as your cheat sheet when ordering, has compiled meals from 9 of the biggest and most loved fast food chains in the country that has 500 calories, or even less!

1. McDonald's

In fairness to McDonald's, their menu offers quite a number of burgersunder the 500 calorie-limit. Their regular burgers are just 250 calories each, while the cheeseburger with fries meal goes a little over the budget with 530 calories. At 500 calories tops, you can enjoy the whole McRib.

If you want to stick to the goal, then stick with a 6" and do not add mayo. Do. Not. Add. Mayo. Half a sub is enough.

9. Jack in the Box

Almost every item on their menu is under the 500 calorie limit. As long as you stay away from the Chicken Teriyaki Bowl that has a staggering 690 calories. Their burgers are pretty decent, the Jr. jack or the Jr. Jack Cheeseburger us at 490 calories, but don't add dressing.

If you are craving for chicken, either of their Chicken Fajita Pitas, five or ten-piece chicken nuggets or even their Chicken Sandwich with Bacon have 470 calories each.

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