Weight Loss Secrets from Around the World

Ever wondered how women or men from a certain part of the globe always managed to look ravishing and ripped? You may be surprised to find out that their "secrets" aren't really secrets at all. The big "AHA!" comes when you learn that it's not really about the food you eat, but how you eat them. Check out this collection of weight-loss tips and diet tricks from around the world, and see what other cultures can teach you in keeping down the pounds.

1. From Asia

Spice it up! It's no secret that Thai food is among the spiciest in the world, and for good reason (aside from taste). Hot peppers spike up your metabolism, but the real benefit is in the zing that slows down your eating, according to James Hill, PhD, past president of the American Society for Nutrition. Americans eat too fast, and by the time you feel full, it's most likely that you've over-eaten already.

2. From South America

No, you don't have to salsa your way to a six-pack (though that's a good workout too). A study conducted by Obesity Research journal found out that diets consisting of rice and beans lower the risk of being overweight by 14%, as compared to the typical Western food. That's because rice and beans are high in fiber and low in fat. Add that diet to your workout, and say hello to your beach-ready body all year round.

3. From Africa

Instead of meat, try feasting on nuts as your primary source of protein. Gambia, an African nation, considers tomato and peanut stew as one of its favorite dishes. While some would think that stews are fattening, the secret is to load up the pot with vegetables, spices, and nuts. Does it work? Well, Gambians have the lowest international prevalence of most types of cancer, not to mention they also, essentially, have no problem with obesity.

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