You Don't Need To Worry About Your Health During Holidays

It is hard to keep track on what you're eating during the holiday season. Tips on how to stay healthy over the holidays are all over the web well, in fact, you don't need to worry about your health during this time of the year.

Dr. Darria Long Gillespie of Huffington Post reports that you don't need to worry about your health over the holidays. According to her, most of this diet tips won't work anyway. It is much easier to stay healthy without obsessing on every little thing that you eat. There are things that are you enjoy eating that are actually good for you. So to make it easier for you to stay healthy without depriving yourself, here are four easy things to remember:

1. Spending time with loved ones add years to your life

This is a fact and backed by statistics. Data from RealAge Test reveal that building relationships and engaging with them regularly can extend almost two years to your life. It can also reduce your risk from developing heart disease and cancer. Holidays are the perfect time to reconnect with people who brighten your life. Then you start your year with a healthier heart and soul.

2. Be a kid again

You were too busy running and playing around to care about the calories of each food you take. So let out your inner kid this holiday. Run around with your own children or your relatives' or simply doing something you love. In a 2014 study from Cornell Food and Brand Lab, it was found that people eat 35 percent fewer desserts after doing an activity they love.

3. Allow yourself to indulge

Skipping or avoiding food to save calories for later can both lead to overeating. Not only will you feel miserable skipping your favorite food, but you'll also end up unhealthy.

4. Sing or dance along to your favorite holiday tunes

Singing decreases levels of anxiety and depression while dancing extends your life and reduces your risk fro Alzheimer's disease. So whether it may be in your local choir or singing inside your car or shower, do it.

So indulge yourself, dance and hang out with your best pals. This could give you a much happier state of mind and body when the new year comes.

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