The Type of Presents That You Should Never Ever Give Anyone

A gift is something that is well-thought of. Something that is carefully planned; the reason for this is to simply make the recipient happy. After all, if you're giving it to a loved one, it's always best to make the most out of it.

Just a few tips from - try to AVOID these WORST kinds of gifts to avoid some bad blood during this holiday season.

1.) The All About Me Gift

This gift generally means that it was not intended for the recipient. It's more of like something that boosts the ego of the giver. Take this example:

Husband gives his wife a pair of diamond earrings. Wife says they're poor and they don't have the money. Clearly, it was a sign that the husband is trying to show off because of the value of the gift. It's something to impress his parents and other people, but completely lost touch of the feelings of his wife.
Charity donations are also a form of the All-About-Me gift. It may not even be about the charity but it's to leave the impression that they are altruistic, which is just deceitful.

2.) The Obvious Regift

"Thoughtless." It's the best description. People usually feel that they not given importance. They are belittled by this. The gift may be great, costly, or valuable but it hurts people knowing that it wasn't really chosen specifically for them.

There's an important part of this though. If you can try to ask yourself first, would you have chosen to give this to the person in the first place? If yes, then it may be okay to give it to the recipient if it's really something that he/she likes. Just please don't forget to remove all the evidence that it was gifted to you first.

3.) The Statement Gift
Normal holiday gifts usually emanate a kind, loving, and caring thought. However, Statement gifts are the opposite. These gifts tend to indicate disapproval or manipulative thoughts which targets the recipient.

For example:

A young woman received gorgeous gowns from her mother but notices every year that they're always a size or two small for her. The woman is a bit overweight. Her mother is trying to be subtle about it but apparently not enough. She gets sermons about how she's never going to find a husband with her being overweight.

4.) The Well-Meant Misfire
This happens a lot when the giver forgets how it would feel if they're on the recipient's shoes. They lack momentarily lose a sense of empathy. They weren't looking at it from the recipient's point. Giving your best friend an acne solution kit for Christmas is not cool.

5.) The Passive-Aggressive Gift
Pure hostility towards the recipient disguised only in Christmas wrapping paper. It is like a form of the Statement gift but it is intended to give a hit to the recipient's ego.

The perfect example - buying two pounds of candy as a Christmas present and giving it to your friend who is on a weight loss program is just evil.

Don't forget these tips!

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