The Four Most Ticketed Car Colors in the U.S. Are you Driving One?

In a certain Big Bang Theory episode, Sheldon, the tall bespectacled geek who looks like the chemistry teacher's lab assistant from high school, refused to pick a red sports car in a video game because red cars get ticketed more than any other car color. While in the virtual world such a claim may be ridiculous, the likelihood of such may not be so unrealistic in the real world. Car drivers, motor lovers and police records across the world are in agreement, certain car colors do get tickets more than others. Let us count down the top four.

1. Red

This is actually a well known fact by motorists around the country and is probably the only information your sports car salesman is obligated to tell you but will not. Red cars receive way more stops for speeding and way more tickets in general than any other car color.

Some scientists believe that it has something to do with how our eyes are wired to detect oxygenated blood. Sharp colors like red will definitely attract people's attention. This includes cops.

Insurance companies are even reported to charge more insurance for red cars than any other color. No insurer has confirmed the speculation.

2. White

The color that is synonymous with peace apparently does not have the same effect on our boys in blue. The color that is the most popular car color in North America is also a huge favorite with the police. In fact, a St. Petersburg reporter, while doing a survey in 1990, found that the white cars received way more tickets as compared to other car colors in relation to their abundance on the road.

3. Silver

It is the most popular car manufacturer color. It therefore has high statistics when it comes to ticketing because of their abundance on the road.

4. Gray

Remember the 1990 St. Petersburg report, in that area of study, only 6% of cars were gray and yet 10% of all tickets given were to drivers of gray cars. The reason remains unknown.

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