Secret Santas Strike Again, Shower Strangers With Cash in Lincoln Park

This season is the time for sharing and caring. As proof, secret Santas struck Detroit once more to hand out thousands of money to total strangers.

USA Today reports that a married couple from another state came to metro Detroit once more to give out their own money. For eight straight years, they have given away about $115,000 of their own savings. Like with the previous years, a Free Press reporter and photographer rode along with the secret Santas last Friday. The secret Santas were also escorted by a Lincoln police. They reportedly gave away $14,000 last Friday.

The couple denied they are rich, rather they just live a comfortable life; comfortable enough to give away some extra cash on Christmas season.

Secret Santas do not preselect those they will their money to. They randomly give out their money with no strings attached.

One of those who received cash was William Calloway who just got off a bus in Lincoln Park. He was asked if he believed in Santa Claus, which Calloway answered by stepping back. He was handed out $100 anyway.

Calloway looked unbelievingly down at the bill on his hand. Then realization spreads across his face in a huge grin. "Let me tell you what happened. They about to turn my phone off! Man, this is great! This is great!"

After which, they moved on to other people who got off the bus, handing out bills while saying "Merry Christmas", "Pay it forward" and "Bless you".

Calloway was a parolee who got out of prison this year after 25 years. He was sentenced for a second-degree murder and armed robbery. People with troubled pasts are still helped by secret Santas. No questions asked, no judgement passed.

"I really believe that the only thing that can overcome hatred and evil in the world is love," the female Santa says. "And you can't really overcome hate and evil with love if attached to that love is a spirit of judgment. It just doesn't work."

They later gave $400 to a mother raising two children, including a boy with severe autism. In Detroit, the couple handed out cash at the non-profit groups and senior citizen community. There were lots of tears, screams and loud laughter.

The couple was inspired by a man named Larry Stewart who started handing out cash at Christmas four decades ago. It was not until his death that they learned about his acts of kindness in Kansas City. Like him, the couple wants to remain anonymous.

With examples like this, we hope that you could be a secret Santa to someone in your own little way. Let us restore the faith in humanity.

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