Spotify Assigns Users Their Star Wars Character Counterpart Based on Music Taste

This holiday season marks the Star Wars hype, and almost 'all' industries especially manufacturing and social media jumps in to the bandwagon. Popular android music application Spotify joins in to awaken the force by releasing a Star Wars-themed website that matches users with a Star Wars character based on their taste in music, The Independent reports.

The website can be accessed by simply opening Spotify Star Wars, and logging in to your account. The site then get to analyse the user's frequently- listened bands and generates a prompt where you can see the character that matches with the kind of music you've been listening to.

Some of the Star Wars character- music genre matches goes like:

Anakin Skywalker (Episode II - III) (Emo)

Padme Amidala (Girl Power)

Darth Maul (Grizzly Death Metal / Thrash Groove Metal / Gangsta Rap)

Jar Jar Binks (Jam Bands)

Qui-gon Jinn (Progressive Rock)

Yoda (Focus)

Mace Windu (Nu-metal, Hip Hop)

Obi-wan Kenobi (Episode I - III) (Brit Rock, Hip Hop)

Obi-wan Kenobi (Episode IV - VI) (British Invasion)

Luke Skywalker (Modern Pop)

Princess Leia (80s Power Pop, Shimmer Pop)

Han Solo (Classic Country Rock. Bro Country, Modern Hip Hop)

This one is a favourite: Chewbacca (Hair Metal)

Other numerous applications along with Spotify who partnered with Disney in its marketing thrust is Google who lets users "choose the light or dark side of the force before changing all their services to reflect their allegiance," while Facebook enables users to add light sabers to their profile pictures.

The massive marketing force of the greatest sci-fi epic franchise in the silver screen as gone beyond toy lightsabers, food and drinks and action figures that it landed on makeup brands and jewelries. The movie marketing giant is said to have the most tie-in products in all cinema history.

Star Wars: The Force Awakens premiered in Los Angeles on Monday and will be in theatres all over the United States tomorrow.

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