Science Says Never Drink Water After Eating Spicy

A cold glass of water is usually what we have in mind after unexpectedly biting to something really spicy. Although it feels your mouth is on fire, it's best not to grab that glass of water you have in mind.

There is actually a scientific reason why you should leave out water if you eat something spicy reports Foodbeast. A video made by Reactions Everyday Chemistry reveals that molecules in water don't go well with the molecules in that spicy you just devoured. Instead of relief, the water actually spreads the pain even more. The video also shows that milk is actually better easing the pain.

Daily Mail UK reports that capsaicin is responsible for the burning sensation that usually comes in spicy food. Capsaicin is a colourless and odourless substance that's heavily concentrated around the tissue of a pepper as the American Chemical Society explains in a video in You Tube.

It fastens to our pain receptors (TRPV1) found in the mouth. These receptors can detect hot substances, acidic food or anything that can potentially damage the tissues.

When this happens, it prompts neural signals to the brain telling us that we're eating something we're not supposed to.

In effect, it activates responses such as tears or a runny nose, a sense of heat to make us feel thirsty. These responses aim to get rid of the substance causing the pain.

'The higher the amount of capsaicin in a pepper the more there is to bind to your TRPV1 receptors and the more intense your reaction is to that pepper,' the video said.

Capsaicin has non-polar molecules which can dissolve with other non-polar molecules. It just so happens that water is made up of polar molecules. So instead of relieving you from pain, the molecules spread the capsaicin even more. It's just like combining water and oil.

The milk on the other hand which is made up of non-polar molecules dissolves the capsaicin and washes out from the mouth, providing relief.

Watch the full video below so you may better understand why it is never advisable to drink water after eating spicy.

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