Genetically Modified Wheat Found In Montana: Are There Health Risks?

Genetically Modified Wheat - A constant issue arises with genetically modified foods, as people fear which will be the health issues that they could face by consuming them. Now, On Sept. 26th, this last Friday, unregulated modified wheat popped up in Montana and has raised worry once again.

The main problem with genetically modified wheat is that it is not approved for USA farming, because it stops exports with other countries that are not interested in genetically modified wheat, as it is consumed directly by people.

ABC News noted, "Some in the wheat industry have also been concerned that genetically modified wheat, if ever approved, would contaminate conventional wheat, causing problems with exports."

It has also been revealed, although it is no brand news really, that most foods are genetically modified these days. The difference is that many of them are consumed by animals first, and the genetically modified wheat, as said before, is directly consumed by people without any middle "processor."

The big worry of this genetically modified wheat in Montana is that it was found in Monsanto's fields once again, and last year they already had a big problem with Oregon fields where genetically modified wheat was being grown. The difference is that in Oregon, more than 100 acres were found and this time, there were 3, according to Global Research.

As for the health risks, genetically modified wheat is mainly not approved due to economic issues and not health issues. People already consume a lot of genetically modified foods since 1995, but they are processed into other elaborate foods, so people don't face the issue of directly consuming it. Whereas with wheat, "We know we eat wheat, I think you see some heightened focus when you get to crops like that," Margaret Smith, professor of plant breeding and genetics at Cornell University shared with Live Science.

She also said that Monsanto would have to ask for a petition for approval to be able to deal the genetically modified wheat, but because it is not asked in other countries for consumption, then the petition hasn't been made.

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