Sushi Parasites Symptoms: After a Sushi Lover Nearly Died From Worm Infestation, Learn To Tell When You Have Sushi Parasites

Knowing the sushi parasites symptoms can prevent consumers from suffering the fate of the Chinese sushi lover that almost died from eating the Japanese delicacy, particularly a big bout of sashimi - this caused the man's body to become infested with fish tapeworms later on, suffering from a disease that could have potentially driven the parasites to his brain and killed him.

Unknowing of the sushi parasites symptoms, a man from the Guangdong Province of Eastern China went to the Guangzhou No. 8 People's Hospital complaining of a stomachache and itchy skin, the Daily Mail reports. As the doctor examined him, he found that the sushi parasites symptoms were all over his body, which was covered internally with tapeworm - the type that have been known to appear in the body after ingesting the larvae of diphyllobothrium, which can be found in freshwater fish like salmon. However, marinated and smoked fish can also transmit the worm.

Sushi parasites symptoms have been shown to appear to different people after consuming raw fish of different natures, not just sushi; any sort of undercooked fish might lead to the disease: from Italy's carpaccio, Baltic and Scandinavian raw salted or marinated fish or Peruvian ceviche - in any case, any sort of not-very-cooked type of fish, even when lightly marinated.

Because of this risk, it's important for those who love raw fish to look out for sushi parasites symptoms, which can vary but will often range around these:

- Nausea and vomiting.

- Abdominal pain or diarrhea.

- Itchy skin.

When having recently eaten raw fish and having any of these symptoms appear in your body, it's time to go to the doctor - while it could be unrelated, you could be saving your own life by taking preventive measures. So, enjoy raw fish but keep on the lookout!

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