ISIS Is Losing Its Money?

ISIS is currently the world's most powerful terrorist group. Following the recent Paris attacks, the notorious militant group, which is trying to establish full control over Iraq and Syria, has been a strong threat to the West.

Metro UK reports ISIS, also known as Daesh or ISIL, may eventually drop their power after losing huge amount of money and resources due to airstrikes. The group reportedly had to cut cost on its fighters and other expenses as it continues to collect funds to support its artillery.

But where does the group led by Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi get all the money?

According to the analysis of IHS Global Strategies, the ISIS had an income of $80 million per month in the second half of 2015. This comes from the territories it seized to create a wide range of revenue channels.

Almost 43% of the ISIS' income is produced by its oil extract from Iraq and Syria. Although the group couldn't be able to sell on the open market, it has smugglers and middlemen to take care of the underground market, who also sell drugs.

About 50% of its revenue comes from taxes on top of goods and services. It also collects non-voluntary tithe from the Muslims, requiring 10% from a person's wealth. Although the normal tax is only 2.5%, the New York Times reports the group are forcing donations to supply its warfare needs.

The ISIS has collected almost $1 billion in 2014 from robberies and kidnapping. The rebels reportedly demanded huge ransoms before they executed American citizens including James Foley and Steven Sotloff, and had seized US-made weapons and military vehicles.

With its massive collection of funds from illegal activities, the ISIS had to pay its soldiers almost $400 to $900 a month, aside from the financial support it promised for the fighters' families. The members, however, recently suffered a 75% cut on their wages due to huge drops on smuggling and oil sales.

The dwindling of the ISIS funds was also caused by the large amount of money it spent on weapons, propaganda, schools, police force, food and its Islamic court system.

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