U.S. Presidential Election – Facebook Top Topic for 2015

After a string of incidents just months after the Paris attacks, Syrian crisis, and the San Bernardino shooting, Facebook has announced 2015's hottest topic.

The United States of America won't even have the elections for a new president until next year, but this has been the center of the crowd's attention. The U.S. presidential election is on top of the list for the most trending topics on Facebook, NBC reports.

The election has gathered a lot of emotions especially just following the attacks, social issues and disasters. It has been a roller coaster ride for everyone as social media took part in these events.

Last Wednesday, the rankings were released and it gave way to a new and more diverse perspective. It helped examined the frequency of mentioned posts of the site's 1.5 billion users specifically for controversial events, political topics, entertainment, movies and TV shows.

Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook's chief operating officer said, "This year, the most talked about global topics reflected the serious challenges people are facing all over the world - and how our global community is connecting and coming together in ways we have never seen before."

Based on the NBCNews report, here's a sneak peek of the most talked about topics for 2015:

1. U.S. presidential election

2. Nov. 13 attacks in Paris

3. Syrian civil war and refugee crisis

4. Nepal earthquakes

5. Greek debt crisis

Donald Trump is a big factor in driving the number of posts about the election. Trump is the leading presidential candidate for the 2016 U.S. elections.

The billionaire and former reality star has been constantly appearing in the Newsfeed because of his expressed sentiments about the San Bernardino shooting as well as his proposed ban on Muslims.

Facebook states that the San Bernardino incident did not gather enough hits to reach the top five.

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