Mystic Pizza Employees Will Charge $105,000 Due To Labor Dept. Settlement

Mystic Pizza Employees - This name, Mystic Pizza, might seem familiar, it might resonate in the mind and still not be able to place it perfectly, but there is a reason for that happening. Turns out that it is the Pizza place where the movie with Julia Roberts in 1988 took place. It was a big hit back in the day and today it is as well, only that for a different reason.

Julia Roberts played Daisy Arujo in Mystic Pizza and she was an employee who came of age at the same time that she spent her time working there. Now, the actual employees that work in the Connecticut famous Pizza place are owed a total of $105,000 dollars.

According to the noted by NBC Connecticut, the Labor Dept. discovered that the owner of Mystic Pizza was paying $5.69 per hour to some employees and a maximum of $7.40 to others, when the minimum wage per hour consists of $8.70, as it was set by the same Dept.

There were three individual people that reported the underpayment to the Wage and Workplace Standards Division of the Labor Dept. and after that, the investigations on John Zelepos, the owner, began.

Apparently, the investigators "learned that 110 employees received less than minimum wage and were not paid properly for their overtime work between May 2012 and June 2014," as the Labor Dept. informed and NBC reported.

Now, John Zelepos must pay a total of $105,165.94 to all his employees in Mystic Pizza, and some will receive checks raging for $30 dollars to $15,000 to others, as CBS Local noted. Apart from that, he will have to pay $23,400 for violating 155 minimum wage and overtime civil penalities.

It looks like Mystic Pizza's employees will be compensated properly and twenty-six years after the movie, Mystic Pizza's employees are the main characters of the story once again.

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