Billy Connolly On Robin Williams Death: Actor Reveals Last Telephone Conversation With Close Friend

Billy Connolly, Robin Williams Death - It's hard to let go of someone we have loved for a very long time. Billy Connolly was a close friend of Robin Williams and before the actor committed suicide, Billy Connolly shares what they talked about in a telephone conversation.

What happened to Robin Williams before he committed suicide last August was that he had been diagnosed with Parkinson's disease not a long time before. And it turns out that Billy Connolly has already had it for a year now.

He was a few days ago interviewed by The Telegraph and New York Daily News also noted a part where he talked about his friendship with Robin Williams and especially, a conversation that took place on the phone.

Really, he mentions that they talked all the time. They told each other that they loved one another and Billy Connolly is even asked in the interview if it is true that comedians are really very dark people. He says that is nonsense and then starts talking about Robin Williams by saying, "He was my pal. He was not always depressed. He was a complicated man, but a beautiful person. He was a joy."

And then, not long after that he also shares, "On the last phone call he said, 'I love you like a brother' and I said, 'I know you do' and he said, 'Are you sure you know?' and I said, 'Yes'. Robin worried about everything."

He revealed that it was in these last moments, as Billy Connolly spoke with Robin Williams that he felt his friend was attempting to say goodbye in a way, or at least that is what he likes to believe about the whole thing.

Billy Connolly shared those views and some more on Robin Williams and his recent death. One Actor that we truly all loved and miss.

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